Brave Investors Needed
The Time is Now
All the veils are coming off and the rug is being pulled out from under Humanity, the Great Lie is being revealed. We were born into the INVERSION, a mass conditioning system of greed, fear and deception. Ultimately, Self-deception. We bought the lie. Now we are waking up.
PROJECT CONVERSION is a deconditioning platform - to essentially facilitate loosening the grip of this strong hold that's on the mind of humanity; an entity that with correct relating to can become a catalyst to return to Source Self. When the master says you are not who you think you are it is important to listen to what she is saying. It Is not to trick you but to alert you that you are a spiritual being first and foremost. Not because the mind is bad or that thoughts don't matter. The lie we are born into pedestalizes the mind and thinking it's function as elite. It is not, it is a servant to your own soul. The baby that should not be thrown out with the bathwater. The slave planet is revealed as it's becoming clear to many how much we have been lied to about everything.
The Source Code
Memuna holds this source code within her being. Memuna’s clear cut approach to the other in this instance is in direct accordance with her ongoing life’s work as a spiritual artist and fractal engineer; correcting her own auric field, continually opening to the imprint of higher consciousness, in return impacting the source field of consciousness and its evolutionary directive with every breath she takes. Intention is another key holding the correct binding components of consciousness and it’s evolutionary process.
The Frequency Hub is a place where people come to have the effects of this narcissistic influenced template psychically removed from their auric field. The Frequency Hub is here to promote Spiritual Sovereignty, Soul Retrieval and Heart Healing in alignment with the Christ Consciousness. Ascension is not spiritual it is galactic. Through this work we are able to move out of toxic relationships (artificially conditioned binding contracts) and awaken into authentic, synergistic relating.
Project Conversion is here to convert this inverted self and return us home to the True Self. To become SITUATED in true self is to undergo a total ego death; to lose ones subjective identification with oneself thus awakening a more objective view.
The question remains, do We all need this level of work in order to usher in the 5d consciousness, peace, prosperity, and abundance; to address our current state of affairs, with a clear account of our part? Accepting of this naturally becomes a facilitator to a direct connection with the new earth's vibrational grid that’s already here and waiting for our source sovereignty to be awakened and realized. Where we go one we go all. The future of divine education.
A Humanitarian Project
It would be one of divine honor to generate this humanitarian project and most specifically for the support of any and all other humanitarian projects. Empirical studies show that even the most conscious of us individuals hold these incessant implants and programs designed to keep us askew and enslaved. This humanitarian project is here to address the futility and its root cause.
The Frequency Hubs empirical studies have shown endlessly that the continual effect of this old worldly disillusionment will repeat itself without the effective de-conditioning of this “entity” or “false self,” that which we are calling within this construct of the dark matrix, “the inversion”.
The Contract
This contract is based in a humanitarian effort. This means that to work with me as your spiritual investor, the main goal is not your "personal" success per se but the success of the greater network through your influence and developed self potential.
If you feel called to change and upgrade yourself and to be willing to find out who you are in the global shift that is now upon us. All monies go to the support of this platform and its inexhaustible spiritual drive of supporting who and what we are coming into.
Again, these are not individual sessions that are designed to support your empowerment for the purpose of self, this is a humanitarian effort, designed to make an impact through correct relationships.
Now is the time.