* To watch Laura’s original video presentation click here.
** Bold text is Laura, Italics is Memuna.
The beautiful part of our experience here on Earth is that we are learning to depend on each other more. We are learning to understand how these power structures and systems have been put in place to harvest our energies and hold us in an addiction matrix that keeps us looping in Duality.
One of the profound aspects of our earthly journey is the realization of our interdependence. We are awakening to the intricate web of power structures and systems strategically established to harness our energies and keep us entangled in a cycle of Duality. You can not have absolute abundance and sovereignty until you clear your karma. You will have full access to your divine birthright and blessings once you redeem yourself and seek deliverance of your part within the lessons you choose to learn from on a spiritual level. To avoid this classroom of the human experience, we must keep living lesson after lesson, which is the very hijacking source of functioning within this in ignorance of its purpose. To bypass this universal law, which has been only revealed and gifted to the chosen few, is what sets many up to be the perfect candidate for the elite programming here on Earth that roots its identity in lack, greed, power over, and most prominently, mind control. This is what I refer to as the cabal-orientated system that has been programmed for humanity to keep it at a base level, functioning in the end as a zombie. Project Roadmap was planted and developed with the concept of interdependency and the potential building of communal structures to inherit galactic codes, prosperities, and fruits from labor organized in a relationship, not from becoming but from an undoing. This invites and allows for the forces of creation and divine intelligence to come into accordance in their regard. The only prerequisite is to make space for this level of intervention via clearing the interference and cleaning up the karma, taking account on a soul level of one's spiritual karmic debt. No one is exempt from this. The Luciferian viewpoint of announcing what one is doing to evade the karmic repercussions of debt and unforgiveness is null and void as the chosen individuals ascend into leadership and take rank in the galactic order of the conscious movement, Christ consciousness grid activation.
The Seedings of the Root Races on this planet have been to reassemble the original DNA and reclaim that, which was lost in the Lyran Wars with Orion Group. The 12 Tree Grid was designed to help reassemble the original Avatar DNA of humans in the lower Harmonic Universes and reclaim all aspects back into wholeness.
What this looks like on the Project Roadmap platform is disseminating all faulty programming via spiritual technologies and a strict practice of surrender and obedience to the highest standards. How? This is through the ascended feminine named Memuna, a commander of the galactic federation and position in the 144,000 army sanctioned by the Captainhood of Archangel Michael and cog of her New Earth Galactic crew. Each individual has a higher self, which many are unaware of. Akin to the actual driver being trapped in the trunk while the driver is the unconscious mind being obedient to the program and oblivious to the higher self, which has the actual operating program that will assist us into the future, giving us access to the more excellent DNA thus guiding humanity out of the junk DNA we are now coming face to face within the great awakening globally.
As the greater forces of our galactic alliance dismantle the power structures that will hold no value moving forward, Project Roadmap must simultaneously do the same on the micro level. This was executed over ten years with a divine feminine twin flame and a rookie spiritual technician assigned to pass through the portal of this transitional period to arrive fully comprehended in his mission-oriented state and alignment with his higher self. Co-building a mastership stationed with the 5D technology on the 3D grid of an urban country town in Northern California.
In our lifestyles and our life experiences, the tragedies we go through and the losses that we go through, and the things that we are required to overcome to be whole, healed, and on track with our spiritual path to move out of negative patterning, and experience a life where our dreams can be manifested, and find that we are connecting with like-minded people and soul mates, a lot of us have lived that path on a personal level. Now, we are being pulled into a collective challenge, facing something on a much more macro level, being asked to do the same sort of thing in a much more significant way. That has to do with letting go of the old Paradigm, the abusiveness of the old Paradigm, and the attachments that we have formed with individuals that we might have looked up to that hold a lot of darkness behind them.
The old Paradigm is a draconian-based narcissistic model. The undoing of this program is addressed in the project services for the individual and the micro. The preparation of this project was designed to be in alignment with the collapse of the macro to be a safe zone to be reeducated and allow others to experience how advanced technology and the ability to transform is not at the necessary of machines, electricity, or anything outside of the immeasurable wisdom of the source self that functions within everyone's higher self. Getting access to this is one of the jurisdictions of this platform. Undoing the lie requires courage and readiness by anyone genuinely wanting to know their higher purpose and mission here on Earth. Through the adversity and extreme distortion of the state of the world's demise, the proper leader will emerge, bring forth the new Earth's galactic potential, and help move mountains that can only be done from within. Building community through the awareness of the oneness that holds this illusion together is the cornerstone of the new establishment taking root within my mastership. We will awaken through this exposing DNA as a web of pure consciousness rather than a set of codes for the individual to be locked up and stuck in slavery and limitation. The Cabal wants you to think that DNA can not change, but the notion of DNA is change and transformation. This illuminates how deeply indoctrinated and lobotomized the health system was made to be by a draconian fear-based form of control dominance leadership. An example of this excessively harsh and severe application of laws is when 'the Nazis destroyed the independence of the press by a series of draconian laws.' The healed third eye will create an intermittent world that will make cities in the sky visible, and the immeasurable gifts of spiritual technology that result will serve to anchor us in this higher vibrational world for our future generations to 'come aboard.'
So when we see all of this beginning to collapse, like a lot of what's going on in Hollywood, the political systems, understanding crimes against humanity, and the underbelly or certain aspects of the religious constructs and different hidden cults that operate behind them, it makes it look like a terrifying world, but it's helping us to see that we have to learn to fall back on ourselves. And the more we have given our power away due to experiencing so many wars and traumas is something we have to break. We're being asked to break through this wound that we've been born into, to find more spiritual maturity and transparency in facing those wounds within ourselves, and to work on those things within ourselves so that these trigger events don't cause us to battle one another constantly. Because, in our more profound knowingness, we have come here to connect, rebuild, rehabilitate, and find true unity consciousness without giving up our individuality. And we need that sovereignty in place before we can do it constructively.
Project Roadmap introduces ways to address the abovementioned dilemma we face now. It is equipped with organizational skills and analytical abilities that efficiently zero in on the individual's unique dysfunction manifested by the program. A succinct mind technology to adhere to the individual's higher self serves to clear out and regulate one's system self in accordance and cooperation with the source, not this mind ego that has reigned for eons in the draconian era perpetuating narcissism false self and the escorting of wasted energies into a format that holds no connection to the eternal life code.
Our role here on Earth is soul development, spiritual development, and understanding enough of our galactic history to know that this is what we're tasked with. We are in a free-will universe, so we must learn how to use power correctly. So, ego lessons are fundamental, and getting more sovereignty in our mental bodies is important because the mind creates our reality. Our mind feeds our ego information, our power center that takes action, and these fragmented parts of ourselves do not operate from our higher guidance and intuition. It is being pulled into something that could be destructive and achieve the opposite of what we think we might strive for.
When we look at this statement above from the awakened view inside Project Roadmap, it becomes a systematic breakdown of what Memunas's work addresses from the onset with the individual, which is the fragmented self. And what many have come to be standing on the business of their lives on and in total complacency of this fact is that the compartmentalized or fragmented self can not sufficiently hold a soul. The support of this fragmented self is what the matrix system supports, and thus, humanity is perpetuating what I believe to be a deeply rooted narcissistic system. This is what the Galactic forces, seen and unseen, are eradicating and correcting here on Earth now, and Project Roadmap is a fundamental part of it. Self-hating is a dissociated form humanity has been bound into via the hijacking system of the deep state, dark cabal. Still, their time ends as consciousness increases, and the light stabilizes and gains confidence, expressing the true authentic self and developing new structures from this fractal of consciousness no longer under the interference of the dark obstructing forces that thrive in power over, deceiving and manipulating the mind. This also reflects monetarily in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar being revalued to hold the value of this very stability and confidence that the galactic crew is working so diligently on to serve its rightful balance as we move succinctly onto the timeline of the thousand years of peace.
Understanding our soul's nature will intrinsically connect us to our galactic DNA. This is the reason for coopting humanity's mind through this ego/false sense of self-development. I've even spoken to doctors whose indoctrinated minds glitched out around this level of conscious knowledge, exposing that the ones who should know about such things 'have been hijacked and hierarchically statured to promote the value of a corrupted system unquestioningly.
It is through the redemptive process and the proper seeking of deliverance in seven basic steps that one may be set free to one's higher self and return to their genuine connection to God's Source;
1 Repentance; for one's sins that open doors to demonic energy. Examples of hidden sins are unforgiveness, pride, insecurities, etc. Memunas work helps to uproot and bring to awareness these functions that have nothing to do with the true self. In its objective form, Sin is the absence of the Soul/Self. The false ego construct and all the generational belief systems, past life memories, and the trauma bonds that keep it in place need to be erased. To make room for Grace by turning and walking away.
2. Renouncing the activities and, mainly, the state of mind that we have been involved with perpetuates the false ego and its unconscious patterning system that does not evolve. Awareness is crucial to compassionately viewing what is not working for our development and progress. It can be considered word curses, oaths, or generational curses. We need to take it back.
3. Replace the lies with the truth. Under Memuna's council and guidance, the truth of who you are spiritually is administered via cognitive intelligence and transmission. Ultimately, God is the only truth, and each individual is connected to this truth, which is the goal.
4. Release is letting go, moving forward, and forgiveness. This process should occur naturally if the above measures are taken with diligence and time. Learning to lean on God's wisdom rather than one's own becomes a process of discernment that will inevitably awaken the individual's other spiritual gifts.
5. Remove from one's life any items that hold negative memories or physical items that carry the charges of the curses that no longer live in the psyche. Even ideas that support these need to be done with.
6. Rebuke the demons, and the entities that seek to stronghold will undoubtedly linger and want to fester in the auric field unless the command of one auric space is demonstrated.
7. Renew your mind.
Our history books have not given us the whole picture. So a lot of these trigger events we're seeing in the world today are to light up those unconscious traumas from the past where we're still maybe holding onto historical resentments because of the ways these wars were played out, when in fact, it was done on purpose to pit Root races against each other so that we wouldn't be able to rebuild the architecture of our DNA. So, as long as we are in fragments, we will be easily controlled because a wounded person who's not conscious of those wounds and is unconscious of the history that has been robbed from us is going to seek some sort of relief. And we're learning to rebuild a sense of self-esteem based on doing it on our terms, not what we've been taught, not what we've been taught to become. This is why it's so difficult for people because their sense of identity has been hijacked by social engineering programs and mind control, and a lot of those who were born authentic to who they were or connected to their higher abilities have been very much projected upon and targeted.
Point in case in the abovementioned statement: There's a micro and a macro. The only way for the new macro system of higher consciousness to fully root and gain stability and confidence on this third plane dimension is for the micro/ individual to be freed up and autonomously functioning in alignment with God's truth, not man's.
When we remember the primary purpose of us being here…, it's to rebuild and heal a wound, and these wounds are ancient. So the Lyran system is where it began this level of attack, where free will allowed this ego construct to separate itself to the point of being service-to-self and then wanting to infiltrate those that had a direct connection with Source, so that it begins to morph into their dark agenda, and that's why a lot of people have signed up for this because there's a facade in our society. Even its roots go way deeper to provide a reward system, so it all looks harmless on the outside until you lift away the layers. Once we lift away the layers, we see how much it's sabotaging our capacity to do this repair work.
Lyrans are the original shamans. Their empathic nature to make the energy contact and heal is everpresent in the structure of their DNA. Soul remembrance will activate and reorganize one's DNA regardless of what Western world medicine has been made to agree to. Spiritual healing through self-awareness, accountability, and the self-healing process through the redemptive process is undertaken by the light leaders employed in a human form. Project Roadmap addresses this and has not found a sound protocol to this date that keeps the deceptive forces of evil off the platform as the wounded individual in proximity to the chosen one is a portal for satan to continue to battle to take down the light. This is a war, and we do not have control over the enemy; we can only heal ourselves and do the due diligence to become a more significant player and bring the formidable impact needed to set the new stage. Sacrificing the ego and joining the allegiance of the galactic army is what is at hand.