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Project Roadmap Commentary - Part Two


* To watch Laura’s original video presentation click here.

** Bold text is Laura, Italics is Memuna.

*** As a visual aid to this post as you read through, here is the slide Laura included in her presentation:

Everything we're up against:

I will speak more about the Nephilim reversal grid; I discussed much of the grid stuff yesterday. Still, false flag agendas to lower Consciousness and create the false fake war on terror, and that started with the 911 thing, but that's been going on with most World Wars. 

This is the core part of my global project, addressing the inversion. I am called to refer to a song by Living Light,' War of Consciousness,' which depicts this statement above and allows one to feel these words from a right-brain experience, i.e., feminine. The link placed here

Some have talked about the non-weaponized version of 5G, but we still need to understand it. 5G is coming at the same time that people are talking about 5D, so this whole concept of a second wave is only possible if we submit to something we're already being pushed into as humanity. 

Herein lies the real power grab in the word 'submit'. The direct weapon that will significantly help humanity to participate in this battlefield of consciousness is awareness. And for those who know, awareness has many layers to it. But the purpose of its development is like building another auric layer inside the seven-center system that's deconstructing as we speak, opening up to a much more vast level of consciousness that can be labeled an individual, Self-aware vehicle of consciousness. Will humanity be able to submit to the higher will of God? And the very truth that God is a solemn topic, especially when we consider that most humans are programmed to worship a false god. 

When we see how the pandemic affected people, and now the riots and the Black Lives Matter, I mean a lot of it is taking advantage of well-intentioned people that do want to heal, but what it does is it begins to feed this potential of a second wave that we would not like. We need to focus on this other kind of second wave that has a lot more to do with starving those systems and coming together, being mutually loving and supporting in whatever traumas are being lit up through these trigger events because all adversity can inspire transformation and growth. All adversity we see in partnerships can bond people into greater love and understanding or cause a breakup and separation. 

First, the forces influencing the planetary evolution at this time are very much in support of unveiling all systems and exposing corruption at the root level. This is besides our opinion of what we think about black lives matter or the riots. Those levels of mind are at one level, distracting the individuals from perceiving their direct, omnipresent partnership with source wisdom and intelligence. It also helps to see and get activated, alerted, and potentially awaken. But the challenge is that group events don't wake up crowds at the level discussed here. A true awakening is only at the soul level. It embodies the reverse effect people find in this bonding component inside these artificial schisms, where the group mind finds enough strength to take a stand. Unfortunately, the inherent resistance to change withheld inside the tribal root is met at the level of the simulation, and only ascendance will remedy the shift and bring the change these people are seemingly fighting for. This inherent failure of these methods is present in the voice of people who've lived through times such as the sixties like; they measure the movement of consciousness through the collective and sum up that there is 'nothing new under the sun.'. But times have never been like this. And some biblical scholars will say that we are in end times. And that means end times for the mind-controlling humanity's illusory free will for a very long time. 

Even dating back to Lemuria, my access to the Akashic records reflects that Lemuria is the last time spiritual potential and suitable DNA express themselves for themselves and not for the entirety of the human experience. The spiritual healer is a conduit for this hookup to the correct use of will to be experienced by humanity. Many are legitimately stuck in a fifties MKULTRA model of some version of Patriarchy; the nuclear model, poly model, and more versions of this are mutating as gender seeks to find its relationship to spirit, which leads to more excellent processes impacting the movement of consciousness like the twin flame wisdom.  How will humanity fall off this wheel? The wheel is falling apart on its own. Most, if not all, awakened beings will attest to the fact that we are living through unprecedented times. 

So we are here to break the negative patterns of this continual loop that we've been in, which wants to produce an event that throws us into an unconscious trigger being falsely represented in society as some solution. It becomes political, but a lot of us don't see through the lens of the politics part, and the political part is very much where people get lost due to loyalty or due to just not being able to want to look deeper behind the scenes, that actually, something owns both parties. It has funded both sides of the war and seeks to create that constant division. 

The loop referred to here again is the inverted system of worshipping a false god. In this sense, the false god is the material world and its illusive and tempting offer for growth, purpose, and function of engagement with the meaning of life. But from a 5D perspective, mentioned per the 5G buzz, parallel worlds come together to split apart. What is real can not be broken or killed. And this, in a nutshell, is the war: fake against real, AI against spiritual. 

The wave coming is not a first or second as it comes from rising consciousnesses making a different choice to be delivered, not all-knowing. Then, they show up and become illuminated by those choosing to walk away from where they've been stuck and stagnant. The tribe, as aforementioned, that tribe is not invested in the change that we as humanity seek. So, the chosen star seeds recognize that nothing is left in that direction, and choosing to walk away will cause the collapse. This choice leads to financial prosperity, success, and a new legacy in creating the new Earth family tree. This advancement into the wave is happening for all of us, starting with star seeds as one body of Christ.  We are here to alchemize through the redemptive process, assisting us out of the old Earth human race of the Piscean age into the star race, the New Earth. This transitional time has been coined in various ways. It happens through our gene codes as we recreate the new Genesis 2.0. Through this release, your frequency will rise into the 12 strands of DNA, the 144000 rainbow body. Trust the new path taking you away from harm and into this success: Project Roadmap.

But, there's something extraordinary emerging, I feel, in this [Trump] administration, but I'm not going to get into it, that is almost counteracting all of that but has to play the game sort of to be able to do that, but I can tell you. You don't have to agree that something's going on right now on this Earth that is not part of the plan that they have set up to create a new world order and full-on enslavement of human consciousness and planetary Consciousness. Something is operating on our behalf, and instead of giving our power away to it because these are the lessons we're learning, I think we can focus on ourselves, our inner work, and our ability to come together but at least send good energy to those forces that have our best interest at heart. They are there.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I worked with a Pleiadian master in the form. During this time, I had my first in-flesh experience with Yeshua. He came to me when I sat on the front porch in a reflective state. The ascended master told me I would work with Trump on the 5D level. This chessboard has geopolitical implications and multidimensional tactics that level all players equally. Still, only the white hats are decoding to map where this is all going.  The Pleiadian master channeled that I am the ascended master in Califonia. His recognition of me aligned with my inner vision days before Trump entered my third eye. I have never voted for presidents, as politics do not motivate me, perpetuating the illusion that we have any control over them.  That is why this coming together is now met by Christ's consciousness. Christ came to me, and we acknowledged one another as he poured milk and hiney over my crown. Like politics, I was not religious either. Being spiritually awake means that it is with ease and Grace that we interact with these mutual energies, Trump and Christ, and not be blindsided by the dualistic mind division and predictive programming most people live in. This system collapses as the awakened one leaves it no longer to support and be used as things to harvest; instead, an infinite light is here to build the new Earth from a 12-strand level rather than the inverted 2-strand level. 

The awakened being plus the political godhead plus the religious godhead equals a total breakdown of the conditioned mind into what is encoded in an evolutionary process of a restructuring code. I asked Christ who I was to him, and that was when Magdelene revealed herself, and he told me I was the young daughter of his and Mary and that my name was Sarah in that life. I was here to awaken inside the twin flame spiritual activation journey and to inherit the wisdom through transmutation to be the cornerstone and a way-maker for freedom seekers in the galactic shift on Earth. 

So, another big deal: pedophilia and SRA. So when you see a big

reaction that we're seeing right now in the world to an event that was played out in the mainstream news that has created this mass sort of reaction; we don't notice that so much with the pedophile/SRA all these stories have been exposed. Crimes against humanity have been exposed, but you don't see people changing their Facebook profile pictures over it. You don't see a whole lot except for maybe memes saying Epstein didn't kill himself. So there is an acknowledgment of that, but there isn't an uproar like we're seeing with this sort of race war. [ George Floyd, race riots. ] It's a re-triggering of something that we've already been through, and in many ways, we have reconciled these things, and many of us have understood that this is a projection and a program

What this is referring to on a macro scale is the drip drip drip of false information and truth coming out and into the collective fold. As we account for this, the days and months that proceed do reveal that at the root of all of humanity's corruption is a stronghold on the innocence of children, albeit SA. The more whistleblowers that come out, the more the iceberg melts, and the elite system that has been in control for so long is dismantled via the white hats, the galactic federation. 

Deep down, I don't believe that the human soul has any concept of being racist because we all do acknowledge on some level of our being and in our higher awareness that we are connected. We are one. We have been fragmented into many different pieces and parts, and that diversity is shown in the root races. However, these strands or these diversities and differences are part of what we need to connect with to rebuild our DNA architecture. So we're actually all helping each other through coming together. So, being taught that we hate each other or that there's some racism or discrimination makes it very difficult to work it out with each other without knowing these tactics and mechanisms that are being used behind the scenes. There are so many reasons there's no outrage about the stuff we know exists, but it's almost too much for people to process.

The above statement is a symptom of unresolved lifetimes. Ownership of one's soul is only an issue since we are trapped in a reincarnation and slave planet system. The entirety of all of this is the worship of Baphomet, Satan, and the flesh. It is the chosen ones, the 144,000 ascended masters, who are here to transmute the painful stronghold of these lifetimes unresolved and trauma bonded within the very psyche of the individual and thus overflowing into the cosmic field as unresolved emotional baggage. 

Herein lies the singularity of the soul's consciousness that is genuinely inherited via the twin flame odyssey. Many believe that Jesus and Magdalene were twin flames, two parts of one soul, as were other impacting figures throughout time, but due to the inversion and the need to keep cloaked the genuinely enlightening and illuminating power of the divine feminine, the proper form of her nature and the fact that she was Jesus' counterpart and teacher to the deeper meaning of the LIFE and its mock force fully potentialized. Jesus exemplified the inversion of persecution, hanging from the cross, the betrayal from Judas, and his being abominated by his hometown, all to show that the God of our true divinity has not been cultivated in the conditions of humanity. Still, in the inward journey, the sacrifices are mandatory to lean on God's understanding versus our small self, ego-mind perception.

And a part of this paradigm shift is being able to recognize that so that we're not feeding something unconsciously or consenting to something unconsciously, to begin to recognize that the ones that are pulling the strings and creating a lot of these movements are connected to things like human trafficking, pedophilia, and SRA.

As Simon Parkes, of 'Connecting Consciousness,' once defined it, this above statement is 'the grease that runs the finely tuned instrument called our global governments.' 

It's all part of that deep-state cabal energy that many people still can't recognize. But a lot of people are. It's impressive to see how many people see through it, but again, this is all part of our inner work to break Duality. To play our part and what it takes to heal the wound so that we're not an open wound with an infection, an AI infection, an Archonic mind parasite infection of an unhealed wound that is being masked by false solutions that we think are maybe solving a problem. That is the danger right now: not going inward and just looking to fight or battle something outside ourselves. 

The battle looks like it's on the outside, and this is due to the inversion, the hijacking of one's innate capacity to be accountable for oneself. The projecting of this self, this wound she refers to, is deemed responsible by projecting it onto the other and avoiding it at all costs within oneself. The system is built like this to deny the individual and humanity access to their faithful soul's nature, thus cultivating from childhood the qualities of dissociation, denial, and amnesia as powerful armor to protect something that only needs to have a voice in an environment that's mature enough to listen to it and potentially offer guidance or unconditional love. The inverted system is not unconditional. It is based on conditions, and humanity has been brainwashed into believing that this is what love is: getting your needs and desires met. But the ascension journey back home to our creator is the total death and destruction of this false sense of self and its illusions of grandeur. The men have leaned into this system of denial because it feels more logical, which is how men are often wired and leave the emotional components compartmentalized and disregarded as insignificant. Thus, the dark plot is designed to keep men believing they have power in logic and that women are powerless because they have emotional brains. The causes of the separation feed itself further into all kinds of segregation, affirming it is the root of the infected fractal that seeks to divide and conquer. 

We have to go inward. We must understand what those triggers mean for us and form more potent and better communities that can address these things with love, compassion, and patience. There's just a lot to educate people on. 

The first step is to go inward. Project Roadmap has made this journey from the beginning. It is the true zen path of nothingness and no oneness. Consequently, this lines up and exposes the sociopathic tendencies that have been hard-woven into the societal construct of a 'me first' mentality. Having a genuinely sovereign and benevolent master is mandatory to execute this part for the educational process mentioned above to take root. I believe this is what the ascended masters are here for to anchor in this level of not just conspiracy information that will change the brain but the program that has been built inside the psyche of each individual due to this mass mind experiment that has been done to us. IMO.

Unfortunately, the whole concept of conspiracies, which aren't conspiracies, is very targeted. But I see that changing because as much as Obamagate is not being talked about or Hillary going into needing to testify, and the changes that we're seeing in the royal family, and the fact that Buckingham Palace had boards on its doors, and something happening with the Vatican. They'll do anything to mask all that so they can still pick up on our loosh and gain enough of a foothold to distract us entirely from the excellent things. But anyway, we know they're hanging on for dear life. 

These are the true masters of sociopathy and the governing forces of a narcissistic system designed to devalue and deem its people as unworthy by keeping them in the dark. Look this way while the other hand steals a cookie from the cookie jar. In short, it's basic criminal behavior. And once society begins to see through this drip-like disclosure that the powers that be are simply criminals pulling strings from greed and lust to meet their needs and desires, the natural unlearning on a collective and individual scale will begin to get triggered and move toward the conversion. 

So transhumanism, of course, we're dealing with that, and that is connected to continually harvesting our energies and linking us to technology in a way that takes away our sovereignty. Mind control implants, targeting brain mapping, and AI media distortions are the root of it. However, we have to understand that none of these dark Technologies work if we're not a programmed person. When we're in our authenticity, in our heart, connected to our higher awareness, when we acknowledge that relationship and stay consistent with it, we're not limited to these nets. We can burn through that. And that's why we see that many people are immune to some of these trigger events; they've already busted through the net. There are many different ways to bust through the net. 

One would go through the Dark Night of the Soul, dying and being reborn, letting go of identities that don't serve you, getting out of relationships that rob you, that vampire off you, that put you in a state of unworthiness or lack of self-awareness. 

The dark night of the soul is not something that we can step into; it is a mystical event that, when one is ready, or not an occurrence will activate the crumbling of the false self that has become entangled, entrapped, and totally entwined with the predators and therein made vulnerable to the sucking nature of this dark force. And yes, self-awareness is critical. Like I say to my students, the employment of awareness is the vehicle through which one begins to disentangle oneself from the webs of life force-sucking entities serving in the war against humanity's potential, even on a good or bad day. I might add that to address this level of warfare, one must be equipped with spiritual technologies such as the ones inside Projectmemuna. This platform, i.e., space station, is equipped with spiritual technologies that fully assist the individual in individuating and separating from the real core of this issue, which is the mother and the codependency perpetuating itself from the unhealed feminine which is trapped at the root of the inversion. The implants and mind programs are sophisticated weapons that are more prevalent than many can fathom—controlling and governing every move of the individual. Psychological warfare requires a strong level of spiritual awakening, and along with the use of spiritual technology, many are being guided back to the bible as a weapon to understand how to align with God to fight this battle and to stand in the inheritance of our birthrights. After all, this is the war against God and Satan here on planet Earth, and that right there has yet to be fully realized, separate from religious dogma being projected all over it.

So, being able to bust through the net and then recognize what this window period represents, The more we can stay aligned with that, the more we can empower that within ourselves. Knowing this is here and present, the more we can shed positive energy on ourselves and the world. You will keep many people from losing faith or hope in their minds because all these positive things are taking place. The fact that we're all coming together for all these events and that we're able to create this all has a more significant impact than we can imagine. But the media distortions are a big one. 

The net is more so dissolving than being busted through. The exponential effect of so many truthers and digital warriors ascended healers guide grid workers to keep the movement alive now for what has been cognitive in the mind of humanity for four years, since 2020. Even though this is age-old, the 'Pandemic' on the micro level alerted society's subconscious mind to reach a cranial sacral point to reset the system Itself. We had to stay indoors, six feet apart, wear masks, which was a great joke illuminating our false selves, etc. This benefit was designed for individuals to wake up and go within. How the masses refused to see this and hungered and prayed to get back to normal is a testament to the profound program of greed control and attachment disorders and worshiping a false matrix god. In truth, if there were a natural leader, they would have guided this more on a nervous system level to unwind the false patterns internally through breath stillness and awareness, returning us to a valid spiritual reset. And, in my opinion, this is what this whole movement is about. The forces that have the power now are the ones who believe in what I am saying, even though getting here to the point of the reset is wrapped up in the massive sting operation and white hat movement back to our constitutional and inalienable rights. 

False movements: Most of these movements have good intentions behind them, but they get hijacked. Feminism, some of the new age stuff, and what we're seeing right now is another level where people are desperate for healing.

First, it is essential to understand that these movements are rooted in Luciferian frequencies. Unfortunately, many who bring good intentions are capped off at their knees in their efforts because the energy traditionally becomes a feast for the dark forces to siphon and harvest.

They, society, haven't had a chance to go through the Dark Night of the Soul or Red Pill themselves fully and completely or understand this whole other level of information that has been kept from us. It's tough to process things in these times without having just kneejerk reactions because there's nothing to go on except that this is the society they have attached themselves to that they think is just a part of being human. Despite Wars, battles, and conflicts, it's tough for some people to see the facades and tactics they use to keep us in this emotional loop continually. Masculine and feminine distortions are a big one, and I will get into that—the medical industry and how it is taking advantage of our disempowerment. And again, when I mentioned some of these things, it's not like it is all negative. Many well-intentioned people, though, have been pulled into a system that doesn't allow more openness to Greater technologies that can help heal us. Like how to cure cancer and all these things where there are Gatekeepers that make it very difficult for skilled and dedicated individuals to get a complete education. As we hunger to learn, we're learning dead Sciences in our science classes; we're not getting the full picture of our capacities. Nor do we get the truth about our dormant abilities. The medical industry is not connected to helping us wake up. It's helping us mitigate symptoms with big-time emergencies, and a lot of positive comes from it. But looking at the bigger picture doesn't help us to know ourselves better.

The medical system is the indoctrination of a masonic template. It never will and was never meant to give us access to our true selves. It potentially plays God, and the soul is not a part of its executive process. It breeds psychological structures and is absent from spirituality, which will be its purpose or function. Its link to the pharmaceutical industry indicates that profit is a big part of its driving purpose.

We're given conditions and diagnoses or told we have certain conditions and mainly prescribed drugs, and in buying into that, we don't get closer to ourselves. Still, it doesn't mean we can't or counteract that if we take the initiative. But it's not designed to do that; it's designed to throw us a label, especially in the mental health industries.  

Mental health patients are often overlooked for their unwillingness to participate in the social contract of corruption they see clearly. Most often, the ones with mental illness are the victims of the narcissistic family dynamics of not wanting to address the issues that are the family's issues. Instead, it gets projected onto one child, who invariably is labeled the scapegoat. Baby boomers have a natural grip on transferring blame and disregarding their true selves. The same true self that doesn't get cared for in the hospitals. Often, it is the mentally ill who are trying to stand up for their true selves, and the narcissistic parents or parents will not have the ability to give credence or true reflection to the true self of the child because they lost theirs a long time ago. Only will they feel threatened and be unable to provide any absolute emotional safety, which inevitably puts the child into lifelong attachment issues.

And then we kind of carry that burden of a label that doesn't appreciate the fact that every time we face a physical symptom an illness an injury any kind of adversity it's an opportunity for growth and transformation and it opens a doorway thing is we keep hitting our head on the door because we're not allowing ourselves to access the parts of ourselves that know exactly what to do in those moments as we know our immune system knows how to respond to disease we have to keep our immune system healthy we know that when we're injured something naturally comes in to begin to repair a wound but the Mind Control has separated us so much from ourselves that our our organic connection with these abilities and uh acknowledgement of the growth that it can induce is sort of lost to us because we're we were so afraid of fear and anxiety that we just want it fixed and solved but we got to breathe through it and in those times that we face the fear and anxiety or confusion about what our body is trying to tell us that we seek self- knowledge and we seek to get our get to know ourselves better in the face of it because we we're we're sort of uncoiling from all these uh events that have taken place by moving back through those traumas and reliving those events but reclaiming what we lost in the face of it instead of losing ourselves further and that's where the timelines show such a difference in one taking us into greater enslavement and one taking us into self-realization, self-knowledge Unity Consciousness and understanding sacred Union and this greater love story that we're all a part of so religious distortions yeah I mean it creates extremes people either rebelling against it or being you like pulled into it it's very important that we understand the importance of spiritual freedom and some things serve a person for a certain amount of time so it's not saying anything is bad or good it's just saying that if we don't journey a little bit further and and we don't go beyond these constructs there's danger in that just like if we give our power away to a relationship and we lose a sense of ourselves while we're in that partnership  it's just very important to cultivate one and in doing that we can see through some of the things that might not serve us that we can eventually let go of but some of these things are important for people to experience in their lives as well but we see as long as division is created that's all that matters so if if there's a rebelliousness towards people connecting with God's Source it's like then they're choosing like the left hand path or the dark side because they're rebelling against the church because they don't like what they've seen I mean it's just we we need to come into wholeness and balance within ourselves and integrate light and dark and integrate polarity because some people yeah they just become atheists or they give up or they just turn to Lucifer 

The entirety of the life experience, to have this and that, to lose this and to evolve, could be the greatest deception of all time that has been hardwired into our minds about what it means to be human. Correct parenting and social structures would elevate us to understand our connection to the Source, never abandoning us from the start. Life would be more like a wave breeding emotional and spiritual awareness that gets reproduced into new ways of being rather than being hijacked and harvested for the Luciferian agenda that many are playing out through birthdays, calendar holidays, etc. 

We must recognize that all these archetypes exist within us and must harmonize them. We need to integrate them and allow our higher awareness to steer our ship, but we must bring that awareness into the physical plane so that it can operate our physical vessel. 

In a nutshell, this is "the work." To comprehend the archetypal construct and to be interested in getting to the root of the unresolved trauma and unhealed lifetimes in the individual as a means of exiting the wheel of karma is the intelligent way to undo what we've been hijacked and done into. If people spent time caring about who we are and aren't through this level of analysis and inquiry, it would minimize the trials and tribulations manifested through the ego mind that believes it has to become something to become ourselves. Self-discovery is not a logical process, but engaging the rational mind, understanding the storyline through archetypes, and awakening the resonance of this memory inside one's self-mythology is what educational systems lack. Instead, all lies are intended to keep us from—our mythology or play out the mythology of a self-perpetuated by a false survival system of comparison and competition.

Anything less than that is part of why we manifest so many lessons in our lives, and most tragedies that we experience can give us a wake-up call. Hence, we must bless these adversities because that's how we integrate polarity. We don't want to judge too much on the negatives in our lives. After all, it's a teacher. It helps us to step back, it helps us to see things about ourselves that need healing, it helps us to have boundaries, it allows us to learn about energy, and it helps us to dig deep.

This statement above points directly to the truth that the ascension process within the planetary ascension is happening now. The Phoenix Rising from its ashes is the global condition we are all walking toward now, and nothing can stop what's coming. The gift gained from this level of self-love and awareness is discernment. 

So we got to allow adversity to guide us home just as much as we appreciate the blessings that give us a sense of inspiration and hope and motivation but I always bless the adversities I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't find some sort of peace and connection with what the adversities were telling me I wouldn't be able to heal my body and avoid going to doctors if I didn't understand the root of some of the physical symptoms and so I remember as a child I would just journey into the root of something because I didn't want to go to the doctor so I would just put my hands on whatever might have been hurting even if it was just any kind of illness and I just remember putting my hands on it and journeying into where did I lose a piece of myself where did a trauma event take place that I'm unconscious to where do I need to release energy that is showing up in the form of symptoms I mean there's all sorts of reasons behind physical symptoms so giving ourselves the opportunity to get to know ourselves in the moments that our body is trying to send us a message will actually be essential in how we overcome all all these different things so when we look at a virus or any kind of illnesses that come upon our life we're dealing with the micro macro again.

The karmic structures are for the spiritually inclined to disempower with this level of awareness. Standing inside the Duality, neti-neti, as the Zen master says, is neither this nor that. We are not who we perceive ourselves to be; the body, the flesh, is only 1% of who we are.  The karmic wheel of lost lives keeps us in the loop, chasing our tails to get what we lost, but in truth, we are whole just as we are. Our sovereign nature becomes more apparent the more we clear the impressions of memories rather than recreate them to learn a lesson. To transcend, we must have access to the higher mind in conjunction with the higher will. I.e., correct use of will. The will and emotions are the motor and mechanism the dark forces hijack through pipe dreams and separation tactics for its victims.  

When it's on a larger scale, it has to do with where everybody else is at. There are much deeper reasons we could say yes, bioweaponry we're being attacked, or it's being over uh exaggerated, and it's. It's designed to make us all wear masks and separate ourselves from each other. And yes, those dark agendas do exist, but when we can see from a more metaphysical approach why this weakens parts of us, we have to see that we're in a massive paradigm shift right now. And so we will be played by the dark technologies that have existed for a long time with the false flags and the different events. And we're going to be victimized by that, and we're going to have physical symptoms connected to it. Or we can see a much larger picture and see these as catalytic events that can help us see that the reason it's impacting us and the reason we're allowing it into our system is because we're having a hard time letting go of the old Paradigm.

Deeper than the truth of being in a paradigm is the fact that humanity has been under a spell that could be best termed MKULTRA through mainstream media and the publication of information altogether.

We may be unable to access something that can transmit all of this, yet the weakening effect of all this is also a reminder that a Great Awakening is happening. Still, very often, some event must take place to help us differentiate between a catalyzing event where we can become empowered by it and an event to pull us in and enslave us even more and make us compliant to the restrictions and rules that don't make any sense if you look at what they're attempting to do.

The White Hats are in charge, and let me remind us, this is an intergalactic operation and movement. And yes, it is correct that events are created to push humanity around in the Duality of it all. As mentioned before, it is the dual nature that must be dispelled. Pleadeans have verified the coming power of the divine feminine and the goddesses on the planet who are transmuting the deep mother wounds to help uplift humanity on a 5D level, helping to active the grid that is being prepared for this shift or wave we are on and that we are speaking on.

I mean, they're making us feel like we're all going to infect each other, that we're all diseased. This whole, I can't breathe that they're chanting while wearing masks needing to separate and separate, and then all of a sudden we're being thrown together or people being together or people being thrown together to and protest. They're throwing every card they can because of what I feel is because of the election and the fact that these crimes against humanity have been so exposed. They're playing as many cards as possible, so they probably won't have much more.

The 5D chess board and the battle move between the light and the dark, and you are looking at the dark bit. It is essential to understand that the infiltration of the white hats makes these moving pieces hard to perceive without decoding. Some keyboard warriors have been educated about this, and many of the warriors get silenced. The war is about the mind. It's about the correct information, and the enemy wants your mind. As long as he has your mind, he has you. So, being left or right, you can see, is still part of the checkerboards of the mind as it is the expression of division itself. However, 5D is a multiverse, which is why it is said that things aren't always as they appear. Several pieces being moved around to undo the dark matrix human harvesting grid is unimaginable if left to the mind. The great transference is in the hands of those with higher knowledge and the holders of the deeper meaning of how the unified being works.

If we can stay on top of it and be that, we can be that second wave in an empowered way and in an empowered conscious way. Because I can tell you that regardless of where we're hit, whether a bioweapon is targeting it or some psychotronic weapon is in our environment, we've been dealing with dark Technologies for thousands of years. So, those awakened have been able to utilize them by seeing through them.

Those who have spiritually ascended have an open third eye, which makes them susceptible to the interdimensional chess board. Being a truth speaker comes with this role, undoubtedly making one a target to the dark forces that seek to confuse, control, and manipulate.

I see the contrast between falsity and artificiality connected to or compared to authenticity.

Contrast is a great teacher for where we have our center and connection to source, a relevant foothold to maintain our balance. Contrast creates fear and ultimately drives us to get clear about our morals and intentions.

We get to claim the rest of ourselves back in the face of the threat of it being pulled away. That's why we can allow all these events to be a part of how we rebuild and come together instead of giving our power away out of the fear of what it represents. So yeah, who knows if they'll even bother with the fake alien invasion.

I believe 'aliens' are not real. They are part of the experiment in Area 51. Advanced beings working other dimensionally is what is at play here.

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